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Extras Needed For Michigan-Made Movies

Real Style, a movie extras casting company, is looking for specialty movie extras for upcoming productions being filmed here in Michigan.

The company is looking for a Miley Cyrus double for the upcoming film LOL, starring Cyrus and Demi Moore.

"The Miley Cyrus look alike would actually be used to block shots and possibly be used in filming. When Miley is not available they would use this person instead of Miley for filming," said Kathy Remski, with Real Style.

Remski says they are also looking for real cops, African American twins or triplets (15 days old to 3 months), and people with various ethnic backgrounds such as Indians or people with Middle Eastern descent

What's expected of extras or stand-ins?

"If they are minors, they have some limitations. They can work  8, 9, 10 hours based on how old they are. But adult extras, anybody 18 and older, can work anywhere from 10, 12, 14 hours in a day," Remski told WWJ.

Extras generally get paid $7.40 an hour, and stand-ins get slightly more than that.

Remski says they are working on "Detroit 187", which is the first television series to actually be filmed and produced in Detroit. And she says they are also working on a movie called "Street Kings of Motor City".

Those interested should email a photo, contact information, birthdate, and what they're interested in doing to For more information, click here.

(Copyright 2010 WWJ. All Rights Reserved.)

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