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Ex-Grand Rapids cop to face murder trial in killing of Patrick Lyoya

Ex-Grand Rapids cop to face murder trial in killing of Patrick Lyoya
Ex-Grand Rapids cop to face murder trial in killing of Patrick Lyoya 00:26

(AP) - A former Michigan police officer who shot a Black motorist in the back of the head will stand trial for second-degree murder, a judge said Monday.

Police Shooting Michigan
A TV display shows video evidence of a Grand Rapids police officer struggling with and shooting Patrick Lyoya at Grand Rapids City Hall on Wednesday, April 13, 2022. Lyoya, 26, was shot and killed about 8:10 a.m., on April 4, after what police said was a traffic stop. (Grand Rapids Police Department) / AP

Judge Nicholas Ayoub announced his decision after hearing testimony last week and seeing video about the death of Patrick Lyoya in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

A jury will decide whether Christopher Schurr 's use of deadly force was necessary "after a full and fair trial," Ayoub said.

Lyoya, 26, briefly ran from a traffic stop then grappled with Schurr across a front lawn before the white officer shot him at point-blank range. The final moment last April was recorded on video by a man who was a passenger in the car with Lyoya.

Schurr repeatedly told Lyoya to take his hands off the officer's Taser, according to video. The refugee from Congo was on the ground when he was killed.

Ayoub only had to find probable cause to send the case to the Kent County trial court, a low standard of evidence at this stage under Michigan law.

"The law recognizes that law enforcement officers are required to make split-second decisions of life and death in dangerous and strenuous circumstances," Ayoub said. "The reasonableness of those actions can hardly be fully and fairly judged by one person in a black robe with 20-20 vision of hindsight and from the comfortable and safe vantage point of the high perch of the armor-plated judge's bench."

Schurr's attorney argued Friday that the officer was defending himself while Lyoya wouldn't give up. A forensic video analyst, Robert McFarlane, testified that Lyoya failed to comply with 20 commands.

"He pushed. He shoved, popped his arms," lawyer Matt Borgula said.

Schurr, an officer for seven years, was fired in June after being charged with murder.

A lawyer representing Lyoya's family, Ven Johnson, said a trial will be a key step toward "obtaining full and complete justice."

Grand Rapids, which has a population of about 200,000, is 160 miles (260 kilometers) west of Detroit.

Lyoya's killing by an officer came after numerous others in recent years involving Black people, including George Floyd, whose death in Minneapolis sparked a national reckoning on raceDaunte Wright, who was shot during a traffic stop in suburban Minneapolis; Andre Hill, who was killed in Columbus, Ohio; and Andrew Brown Jr., who was killed in North Carolina.

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