Eric Thomas: Republicans Star In 'Lowering Arizona'
The stage was set as a chance for Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum to square off in the 20th GOP debate in Arizona. What we got was a snoozy affair where the only difference between the candidates was their level of cooperation with debate moderator John King.
The GOP establishment in Washington has to be drinking whiskey out of the bottle because Rick Santorum looks like the nominee. He did fine (I guess) while Romney was evasive. Mitt threw mud at the other candidates while offering no ideas on his behalf. The governor even managed to get called out on lying and hypocrisy by Newt Gingrich. That is hard to do.
I guess this is the downside of waging a scorched earth campaign against your opponents. Romney's Super PACs have engaged in political hallway note passing, smearing every candidate in his way. Gingrich was slimed in both Iowa and Florida to historic extent. I imagine everyone in Michigan has seen one negative ad against the former senator. Romney's opponents clearly hate him. Gingrich and Santorum dismissed everything he said and stared mockingly at him is usually reserved for Nancy Pelosi.
Gingrich looks over it. He had a moment a couple of weeks ago where he looked like the nominee but the old fire is gone. At the debate his former grand ideas dropped out of his mouth, bounced on the desk and laid in front of the Arizona crowd with lazy absence. He spent the debate seemingly stifling a yawn until he had a chance to call Mitt out on something, then retreated back to the warm spot like a dog finished barking. Gingrich will make plenty of money from this little adventure and will likely speak at the convention. Mission accomplished.
Ron Paul increasingly looks surprised to be there. He does not like Santorum as the former Senator's "big government" conservatism is anathema to the Dr. Paul "Revolution". The campaign trail has visibly taken its toll on the Texas Congressman. He isn't as sharp as he used to be and looks tired. None of his suits fit and that seems worse now. Paul continues to try and rack up delegates for a reason no one understands but him. I wonder if more people would support him if they actually knew his plans?
I don't understand why the GOP has turned a blind ear and eye to Ron Paul. Here is a youthful electorate celebrating fundamental conservative policies. Wasn't Paul the father of the whole tea party movement? I thought that's what it was. Turns out that was a gathered pack of political lies as usual and Paul just sits there with 20% of the vote the GOP seems content to ignore. Romney cherry picks from other republican boilerplate, why not cheat off of Paul's paper?
Rick Santorum didn't fail and that is the best you can offer him. The other candidates tried to dodge the contraceptive issue and the former Senator did not hide. He clearly stated his beliefs and his willingness to talk about them. He crowed that he is willing to talk about issues that no other Presidential candidate dares to. Rick, there is a reason no one has ever talked about contraception in the Presidential race. They are political suicide. Oh sure, you will get a third of the GOP voting crowd to go for it, but you are finished when the rest of the country votes. Need I remind you that the "Person-hood Amendment" went down in Mississippi by over 10 points? Recently?
Romney finished the debacle by refusing to answer the questions posed to him in the debate. Genius. Way to look like an out of touch rich blowhard. He followed up his media attack with a creepy laugh and GOP stalwarts rubbed their temples on leather couches. The guy is a disaster as a candidate. Romney isn't going to win a swing state. Its too late. The only chance he had was to wrap up a quick nomination process and pivot to the left. If he was the same guy who ran for governor of Massachusetts he would win against the President. Good luck trying that now with this much tape supporting issues the general population is going to revolt against.
It doesn't matter who gets nominated because both Romney and Santorum are going to get massacred in a way that they traditionally erect statues to commemorate.