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Eric Thomas: Money Grabber

The Lions stepped to the plate and got it done with a thunderous deal for Megatron more or less guaranteeing he will be a Lion for the remainder of his career. Kudos to the Lions. CJ is the best WR in the game and arguably the most dangerous offensive weapon in the game. He is murderous even in double coverage or as a decoy. He has gotten better every single year and that could get scary going forward.

In the past, the Lions would have totally screwed this up. They would have tried to outsmart the system, thinking that the smart move would be to get Calving Johnson for less than Calvin Johnson money. They would have offered far less and harangued CJ and his management for not being a team player. This is the final nail in the coffin. You can get a box, dig a hole and erect a tombstone reading "Same old Lions."

Trust me, I'm thrilled. If there was a funeral to accompany that burial I would approach it with enthusiasm usually reserved for a Brazilian Carnival. It has been a joy to watch Megatron play for the Lions and a contract that keeps him here for the rest of his career is awesome. The fact that we have the Stafford / Johnson tandem for the foreseeable future is even more exciting.

I understand that CJ still has haters. Stupid Chris Carter. I hate all the Vikings and their fans but Chris Carter is mayor of "I hate the Vikings" town. The fact that he his running his mouth about 81 only cements that I hate him even more than the hate reserved for common Vikings. Calvin doesn't make a lot of acrobatic catches, yes. He won't flip over guys. He runs through them. He attacks the ball at its highest point and swallows it. He doesn't pat the ball around like a circus performer, a la Roy Williams. He secures the ball and hits the ground. He especially careful about that … now.

Barry Sanders hated the Lions. Erik Kramer was sent packing so the Rodney Peete era could continue. Herman Moore was sent to the Giants. Not Calvin. He effusively and effectively sang the Lions praises in front of the gathered media. He spoke glowingly about Stafford, only solidifying a relationship we all thought was strong.

CJ also talked about defense. The only snag in this situation. Lions fans constantly grouse that the team should be built around defense. That ship is sailing down the river on fire. Forget about it. The Lions are going to be the Matt Stafford and Calvin Johnson show, and they are making a run every year with a rotating bit cast. There will be rookies starting on defense every year, joined by rental players on defense. I remember some writer saying that the Lions are Indianapolis Colts 2.0 and he was absolutely right.

There are going to be fortunes spent on 9 and 81 and we are going to have to hope for the best on everything else. It is not clear if Suh is going to be in the long term plans to me. He might finish his contract with the Lions then hit the road. Perhaps we can bet on a rookie D-Lineman every year. Maybe this year we can get a rookie secondary player (Mark Barron more and more looks like mana)!

I am not complaining. Manning to Harrison was a good show for many years and it beats the heck out of the alternative. Lions fans might shift in their chairs because they are aching for a Superbowl. I understand that. I am too. But if we are going to be just "competitive" for 5 years leading up to that, I will take it. Gladly.

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