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Emojis soon to include one that speaks for the weary masses

Illustrating the power of emoji
Illustrating the power of emoji 06:14

An emoji that speaks for the tired masses is coming to little screens soon. 

One of eight new emoji set to debut late this year and into the next, an exhausted face with bags beneath its eyes is among the new releases recently approved by the Unicode Consortium, a nonprofit that sets emoji standards.  

The "yellow smiley face with a strained expression and dark markings under its eyes, likely caused by stress or exhaustion," is expected to appear on platforms late this year and throughout 2025, according to emoji reference site

An exhausted face with bags beneath its eyes is among eight new emoji recently been approved by the Unicode Consortium, a nonprofit that sets emoji standards.   Emojipedia

Google earlier in the month unveiled its full-color design versions of the newly approved emoji, which also include a paint splatter, a fingerprint, root vegetable, harp, leafless tree, shovel and flag for Sark, a remote island in the English Channel, the reference site noted.

The tired face was voted the "most anticipated emoji," or the one folks are most looking forward to using, drawing 60% of the vote in the World Emoji Awards during the summer, according to The splatter came in second and the shovel third. 

World Emoji Awards 2024, Most anticipated. Emojipedia

While the leafless tree emoji may look as though it was drawn for Halloween, it is intended to bring attention to drought and climate change, wrote Brian Baihaki in his submission to the Unicode Consortium. 

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