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Eastern Equine Encephalitis, West Nile Virus cases confirmed in horses, Michigan officials say

CBS News Detroit Digital Brief for September 11, 2023
CBS News Detroit Digital Brief for September 11, 2023 04:28

(CBS DETROIT) - Michigan officials say the first cases of Eastern Equine Encephalitis and West Nile Virus in domestic animals this year were detected in Mecosta and Calhoun counties.

According to the Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (MDARD), the EEE virus was detected in a 7-year-old standardbred gelding and a 4-month-old Belgian colt. Officials say both horses were not unvaccinated at the time.

In addition to the recently confirmed cases, officials say four human cases and four wild bird cases of the West Nile Virus were detected, according to a press release. No human or animal cases of EEE have been detected.

"While these are the first confirmed cases of EEE and WNV in domestic animals for 2023, these viruses were already found in mosquito pools and wild birds throughout 14 Michigan counties this season," said State Veterinarian Dr. Nora Wineland in a statement. "These detections indicate these diseases are present and circulating within the state's mosquito population, so protecting animals from being exposed to these insects is crucial. Preventing mosquito bites will prevent mosquito-borne diseases."

To prevent the occurrence of these viruses in horses and other animals, MDARD says owners can:

  • Talk to a veterinarian about vaccinating horses against EEE, WNV, and other mosquito-borne diseases.
  • Eliminate standing water, such as filling in puddles, repairing eaves, and changing the water in buckets and bowls at least once a day.
  • Place livestock in a barn under fans (as mosquitoes are not strong flyers) and pets inside the home during peak mosquito activity from dusk to dawn.
  • Use an insect repellant on animals that is approved for the species.
  • Contact a veterinarian if an animal shows signs of illness.

Michigan residents can follow these steps to avoid mosquito-borne diseases:

  • Apply insect repellents that contain the active ingredient DEET or other EPA-approved products to exposed skin or clothing. Always follow the manufacturer's directions for use.
  • Wear long-sleeved shirts and long pants when outdoors. Apply insect repellent to clothing to help prevent bites.
  • Maintain window and door screening to help keep mosquitos outside.
  • Empty water from mosquito breeding sites around the home, such as buckets, unused kiddie pools, old tires and other water-holding containers where mosquitos can lay eggs.

"These discoveries are a reminder that the EEE virus is here in Michigan and provides warning that people can also become infected by a mosquito," said Dr. Natasha Bagdasarian, MDHHS chief medical executive in a statement. "Michigan residents are urged to take precautions and protect themselves from mosquito bites as EEE is one of the most dangerous mosquito-borne diseases in the U.S., with a 33 percent fatality rate among people who become ill."

Cases of EEE can be reposted to MDARD by submitting a reportable disease form to 

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