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Digital Billboards Debate

There's been a lot of talk about distracted driving recently – cell phones, texting and eating. But the latest issue at hand involves the digital billboards that line some of Michigan's highways.

Supporters of bill to put a moratorium on the flashy roadside ads are having trouble coming up with enough votes in the State House in Lansing.

Abby Dart, executive director of Scenic Michigan, explained the danger of digital billboards.

"Digital billboards are deliberately designed to draw your eye away from the road and on to the billboard. In addition to all the distractions drivers already face, this out-of-the-car distraction is one that really you as a driver or my teenager have no control over," Dart said.

In response to the bill, the billboard industry has argued that its studies on the digital billboard show that they do not pose a danger to drivers.

But Dart and her group don't believe that claim.

"Particularly at night, when they are so bright … I have found that have no choice to have my eyes captured by that bright light, and I'm quite certain that many other drivers do as well," she said.

If passed this measure would prohibit any new billboards before January of 2012.

(Copyright 2010 by WWJ Radio. All Rights Reserved.)

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