Detroit Encourages Students To Enter Angels' Night Contest
DETROIT (WWJ) - If you are full of creative ideas, have an artistic flair or a way with words and care about the city of Detroit, you could win a new computer, digital camera or gift certificate.
The City of Detroit is sponsoring the Angels' Night Poster and Oratorical Contest for students from both public and private schools, who live in Detroit. The contest is an opportunity for students to express their feelings about Detroit and to share their pride in the Angels' Night volunteer effort.
Students are to create their poster or oratorical (rap, speech or poem) entry based on one of the following themes:
- Come Together and Volunteer This Angels' Night
- I Will Do My Part on Angels' Night
- Detroit Is My Home
The posters will be judged on originality, neatness, use of color, clarity of message and creativity. The oratorical entries will be judged on performance, theme, originality, creativity, audience attentiveness and ability to connect with the audience.
All poster and oratorical entries must be submitted by Friday, Oct. 7. Oratorical judging will take place on October 14. Finalists will be notified by October 20. Winners will be announced at the Angels' Night Rally on Saturday, October 22.
Contest rules and official entry forms are available at Detroit schools, recreation centers and Community Access Centers, as well as online at For more information, call 313-224-3766.