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Deadline Nears In DSO Contract Talks

The deadline is fast approaching as bargaining talks continue between the Detroit Symphony Orchestra and its musicians. One more bargaining session is planned ahead of Friday's midnight deadline.

Even if a settlement isn't reached by the deadline there's nothing automatic about a strike being called. That's according to musician union spokesman Hayden McKay, who said they would likely meet on Saturday to finally decide on their next course of action.

If there is a strike, McKay said it wouldn't be noticed right away.

"The first rehearsals that are actually on the books for now are not til October 4th. So, there's not an immediate impact if there were a work stoppage," McKay said.

McKay said the musicians are not seeking pay raises. In fact, they're prepared to take a pay cut.

"The Detroit Symphony's finances are not very good right now. We may have different views as to how that happened, but we are proposing our own cuts of 22 percent next year, and further cuts after that," he said.

McKay said the two sides remain far apart in negotiations.

 (Copyright 2010 WWJ Radio.  All Rights Reserved.)

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