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Dangerous Potholes Riddle Highland Park Street Lined With $100K Homes

HIGHLAND PARK (WWJ) - The road to a new development project in Highland Park is riddled with potholes -- literally.

Reporting live from the scene, WWJ's Vickie Thomas said it looks like an "obstacle course" on Midland Street just west of Woodward. Almost every vehicle that drives down the road can be seen weaving left and right to dodge potholes.

It's a strange sight, considering dozens of brand new $100,000 single-family homes line on the block. One resident, who did not want to be named, has been living in the neighborhood since December. He said he loves his new house but the potholes -- not so much.

"Dodging potholes is just a way of life in Michigan. It really is," he said. "There's hope and promise because I did talk to one of the developers and he told me that they was working on getting it paved sometime this year. No promises or anything but, you know, that's good enough for me."

Another resident said heavy trucks and a steady stream of traffic going both ways on the one way street is a big part of the problem.

"That's the reason the street is jacked up, too much traffic and semis and delivery trucks. You know, you look at the layout of this area and you see an old railroad track used to come through this area, and all these other streets curve and wind. This street is the only one that's like a thoroughfare," he said.

When reached for comment, officials with the financially strapped city wouldn't say whether or not there's room in the budget for pothole repair.

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