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Constellation Networks Receives Flags Flown Over Afghanistan

Boxes depart from Constellation Networks Corp. in Traverse City bound for Afghanistan almost every day.

Along with satellite Internet communication equipment to support individual U.S. troops who want to use their own laptops, these boxes sometimes include homemade cookies, candies, or cherry flavored treats from the Cherry Capital of the World.

But not long ago, it was CNC's turn to receive a treat.

CNC's daily mail arrived with a box from Afghanistan containing a United States flag neatly folded into a triangle with stars displayed. A certificate showed the flag was flown over the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan during combat operations on Feb. 11 during Operation Enduring Freedom. Presented by Alpha Troop, FT Six Shooters, Jalalabad Airfield, Afghanistan, CW2 Filip Dziembowski said in an email, "Megan, thank you!  You and your company have greatly improved the lives of 25+ families by providing us such phenomenal internet service!!! Thank you again."

"This flag is more reward than anything could ever be," said the above-referenced Megan -- Megan Hall, director of international sales for Constellation Networks. "To know that we can do something to help these soldiers keep in touch with their families feels like we get to make a little difference in the world."

As one could imagine, life in a war zone doesn't have many comforts of home. In order to communicate with family, soldiers wait in line to use a basic internet service at a cafe provided by the government. Speeds are slow and equipment is limited. Given a typical deployment is a full year with a single leave for two weeks, a lot can be missed without the basic ability to communicate with home.

CNC takes pride in providing internet service to active deployed military and creates custom options for each network. These are easily scalable to ensure the right mix of service, equipment and cost. By procuring satellite internet service from CNC, soldiers are able to see and hear their children and spouses from the privacy of their own rooms. Home now seems just a little closer.

For more information on satellite Internet services from Constellation Networks, visit

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