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Blight to Beauty: City Walls campaign brings art to Detroit buildings

Blight to Beauty: City Walls campaign brings art to Detroit buildings
Blight to Beauty: City Walls campaign brings art to Detroit buildings 01:55

(CBS DETROIT) - Detroit's City Walls campaign announces new mural locations throughout the city and the artists taking part in its creation.

"I pretty much take a five P's approach to everything in my life, and what I mean by the five P's is proper, preparation, prevents, poor, performances," says Trae Isaac, an artist who now has the opportunity to create two murals on Detroit's north end in the City Walls campaign.

"This initiative (is) to just basically beautify the city of Detroit," says Bethany Howard, the project manager for the campaign.

With the second wave of 200 submissions, Isaac is selected for his second opportunity during the campaign, voted for by community members, and something Howard says those who voted for him are ready to see.

"Trae being like a community spokesperson at this point as far as the murals are concerned is very exciting, and I'm glad to already see him in the area. He'll have two murals in this area, so I'm really excited to see those pan out," says Howard.

While Isaac and his fresh paint gear get the ball rolling, he thinks back to his life before the brush.

"My grandad would always tell me, boxing is 75% mental, 25% physical," Isaac said. He spent 10 years as an amateur boxer with his grandad as his coach. The same man who instilled in his grandson the 5 P's that he uses before taking on a project just like this one.

"A lot of those like, I say intangibles, that I learned from that almost decade of amateur boxing. If it wasn't for that, I would be nowhere near capable of doing what I'm doing today period," Isaac said.

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