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Church of the Messiah hosts 16th annual Silence the Violence event

Church of the Messiah hosts 16th annual Silence the Violence event
Church of the Messiah hosts 16th annual Silence the Violence event 01:48

(CBS DETROIT) - People gathered at the Church of the Messiah in Detroit this weekend for the 16th annual Silence the Violence event to honor those who have lost their lives to gun violence

Pastor Barry of the Church of the Messiah is hoping their efforts can prevent more loss of life.

"Gun violence is now the leading cause of death of our young people. We got to do something about it," said Randolph." This is about doing something about it, and these people are the boots on the ground that make it happen."

Valeria Walker knows the pain of losing a loved one to violence all too well. She said she found the event comforting to walk along with others who have been impacted by gun violence.

"I'm here to do the walk for my son, who was murdered in 2014," said Walker. "I've been doing it now for like eight years, and it's been so helpful and a relief to me so I can have comfort when I have this event with them,"

The event was not only about honoring those we have lost to violence but a celebration of life. 

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