Charlie Langton: Durant Says Hoekstra's Ad Was Insensitive, Hypocritical And Wrong
U.S. Senate candidate Clark Durant called into the Charlie Langton mornings show on Talk Radio 1270 to express his opinion on Pete Hoekstra's attack ad on U.S. Senator Debbie Stabenow. Now, when you hear this, keep in mind that Durant is running against Hoekstra.
Durant said the ad was hypocritical and misleading. He said Hoekstra is just as guilty as Stabenow when it comes to spending money the country doesn't have to spend. He voted time and time again to increase spending and to increase the debt limit. Ads like this, according to Durant, break down trust as they just are not accurate.
When asked if the ad was racially insensitive, he said it was, but that since China is our second leading trading partner, it's also obnoxious not to understand that our out-of-control spending is the root cause of problems with countries like China. Moreover, he believes, like China, the United States manipulates the U.S. dollar to our own advantage. He believes we should open up markets for our manufactured goods, not beat up trading partners in campaign ads.
Listen here to the complete interview: Clark Durant