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Career Coach Offers Tips On Finding A New Job In The New Year

WEST BLOOMFIELD (WWJ) - According to a recent CareerBuilder survey, 2012 is shaping up to be a better year for hiring than 2011.

As the New Year gets underway, what's the best way to position yourself if you're looking for a new job? Leadership and Career Coach Therese Marie says job seekers who haven't been able to find jobs in their chosen profession, and took a job just to get by, may need to reassess their strategies.


"The ones who are successful are the ones who stop and say wait a minute, how am I going about this," Marie said. "Is there anything I need to do differently in looking for a job." Marie says the best way to start is by "doing a very simple exercise of what they've been doing, what have been their activities, what has been the result, what seems to have worked, what seems to not have worked. Simply putting that down on paper and taking a look at that, oftentimes something will emerge from it."

Marie also offers job search strategies in her book, "YES! You Can Land A Job (Even) In A Crummy Economy."

For more of Marie's job search strategies, visit her website,

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