Bill's Blog: Look Out Below!
Lady Gaga was on stage in Houston and while performing one of her lame songs she fell off her piano. She ended up, legs in the air, flat on her back. She was uninjured (rumor is, she was wearing a cup) and unfortunately, the show continued. I will readily admit I can't help laughing when I see someone falling down, slipping on the ice or wiping out in any way. I'm immature, I know.
Click HERE to see Lady Gaga fall
While Mr. Gaga's fall was impressive, Kelsey Grammar's walk-off the stage tumble a few years ago was classic. The best part is when he says, "I'm OK"...are you sure about that?
Click HERE to see kelset Grammer fall
But the best of all time is when two reporters, one of whom is famed sports reporter George Michael (not that one), can't keep it together as they watch a video of a model that can't stay on her feet on the runway.
Click HERE to see the model fall