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Arrgh! Celebrate Talk Like A Pirate Day

By Christy Strawser, CBS Detroit Managing Editor

It's holiday time: No, not that one, Halloween is more than a month away, you half-witted landlubber. Thanksgiving? Nice try, mateys, but the turkeys are still safe.

Sept. 19 is a different kind of holiday. It's International Talk Like A Pirate Day.

Click here for everything you need to know about this blasted holiday, including the pirate's dictionary, common and uncommon usage of the word "arrgh" -- and a rundown of which pick-up lines you should consider using at the bar after work. (Hint: Never, ever call someone a bilge rat, and always have 'yer wallet ready to buy the grog. Otherwise, there's a deck swabbing in your future.)

How did this holiday get started? According to social media lore, it began as a lark between two friends, John Baur and Mark Summers, in 2002. They decided to spend an entire day speaking only in pirate lingo. Their friends caught on, then friends of those friends embraced it.

And then syndicated columnist Dave Barry  mentioned the phenomenon in one of his columns. The spotlight shined brightly on the boys, who began a press tour, wrote a book and founded a website. Now, they have 20,000 fans on Facebook.

Yes, there are T-shirts, and an official song. Hear it here

So let us know, are you celebrating the International Talk Like A Pirate holiday? And if so, how exactly are you marking this officious day?

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