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97.1 The Ticket Breaks The Stanley Cup

DETROIT (97.1 The Ticket) Lord Stanley's Cup has  been hoisted overhead and skated around the rink by his latest winner since the Wings' Ted Lindsay created the tradition in 1950.

Never did anyone slip and fall, no matter how much champagne was involved.

The cup, created in 1893, is revered for its special powers, especially by Detroit sports fans. Make that most Detroit sports fans, because Stoney and Bill, a couple of butterfingers at 97.1 The Ticket, did the unthinkable. They let the blessed cup slip from their fingers. Did they have fried chicken fingers? Was it a spazz attack? Watch below and judge for yourself.

Bill McAllister talked about how bad he felt about breaking the cup:

- "I feel awful about what has happened here today."

- "Like everyone else, I want nothing more than for the Red Wings to win the Stanley Cup. I'm very sorry that the cup is now in a thousand pieces"

- Looking on the bright side, now the players can each take the cup to their hometown without waiting for their turn."

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