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Winter Park makes progress on 330+ bed housing project

Winter Park is making progress on construction of affordable housing for staff
Winter Park is making progress on construction of affordable housing for staff 02:02

Winter Park is about halfway through a project that will add more than 300 beds within walking distance to the ski hill, which is expected to put a dent in the affordable housing issues facing many ski areas in Colorado. Monday marked the near completion of the first phases of construction, which includes groundwork and foundations. 


"Yes you could call this a halfway point, we broke ground earlier in the summer and then laid the foundation and did all the utility work, you know, all the un-sexy stuff, and then of course we are in the mountains so we have winter. Vertical will begin in the spring," said Winter Park public information officer Jen Miller. 

Nashua Builders are putting together the project at its facilities in Idaho and the components will be shipped to Winter Park for final construction in the spring with a planned opening next fall. The workforce housing is onsite which means that residents will be able to walk to work, transit and recreation. The project is about a block from the main resort village and skiing. 

"It is on-site, and there are private rooms, lockable rooms, residents will be able to have their own space that is theirs and that is not typical in a lot of workforce housing situations," said Miller. 


The ski resort said it loses employees when they can't afford to live near where they work or the place they are renting is sold while they are living there. 

The project includes 330 beds with a mix of studios, single and multi-bedroom units for individuals and families. There will be communal kitchen and living spaces with private, lockable rooms. The project is designed for seasonal and year-round workers with Winter Park subsidizing rent which is expected to help retain employees and potentially free up housing in town for others. 

"This is a big step in the right direction. We will continue to evaluate every year," said Miller. 


There is a solar array planned on the roof which is set to be installed in the next three years.  

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