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Werthmann: 'The Goal Was To Run The Couple Mile Trek At A Fast Pace'

By Kelly Werthmann


Another morning up before the sun to kick it into high gear at Wash Park. The thought of "speed work" made it that much more difficult to motivate myself to get out of bed at o-dark-thirty, but once I got to the park and met up with Joel, I was ready to get moving.

We began with a 20 minute warm up, jogging slowly on the south side of the park, then did some stretches before hitting the two-mile route. The goal was to run the couple mile trek at a fast pace, perhaps set a personal record. Honestly, I thought I already set a personal record with warming up for TWENTY minutes! Aren't warmups usually a five, maybe ten-minute jaunt?

Coach Joel reminded us not to rush into a fast pace right out of the gate so we have energy to push it in the last half-mile or so. That proved difficult for me as I really struggle with staying on pace – I tend to push hard, get tired and slow down, speed up again, run out of breath…you get the idea. I was doing fine for about the first three quarters of the first mile, allowing my upbeat music to keep me in some sort of rhythm (thanks, Justin Timberlake!), but when I reached the one mile mark I felt a twitch in my right heel and ankle.

I've felt this twitch before and can usually chalk it up to tired muscles still waking up from the pre-dawn alarm. The pain usually wears off as I wear on, but this time it stayed constant. Keeping in mind this is a timed speed workout, I didn't want to slow my pace, nor did I want to give up…it's only a two mile run! Yet the pain became so sharp, I had to stop. I adjusted the laces on my bright blue shoes, hoping a tighter loop, swoop and pull would do the trick. After about 30 seconds of walking, I picked up the pace and looked for the finish line.


Needless to say, I didn't set a personal record for a two-mile speed run. In fact, I was dead last in our group…and this certainly isn't one of those times when we "save the best for last." It wasn't my best run, definitely not my best time, but I did do my best to not give up. I suppose that's a silver lining.

Speaking of linings, I think that's part of the problem with my foot. I recently bought a new pair of inserts to help with a slight pronation when I run, but I didn't have them with me for speed work. A few days off is what Coach Joel recommended to let my foot heal…then he said I need to get in more long runs in my weekly routine.

If I struggle this much with a two-mile run, I have no idea how I'll survive 13.

Kelly Werthmann joined the CBS4 team in 2012 as the morning reporter, covering national stories like the Aurora Theater Shooting and devastating Colorado wildfires. She now anchors CBS4 Weekend Morning News and reports during the week. Connect with her on Facebook or Twitter @KellyCBS4.

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