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Walker Stapleton Talking Points Revealed

By Brian Maass

DENVER (CBS4)- Shortly before Republican gubernatorial candidate Walker Stapleton announced Wednesday morning he was selecting Lang Sias as his pick for Lieutenant Governor, his campaign manager sent out a list of suggested tweets and talking points to Stapleton supporters urging them to repeat and reiterate the themes on social media.

CBS4 obtained a copy of the internal email.

Michael Fortney, Stapleton's campaign manager, emailed supporters saying, "We would appreciate any support you can provide on twitter and when you are talking to the media."

In the first suggested tweet, Fortney said supporters should tweet that Stapleton "made the right choice for LG. @LangSias is a decorated combat veteran who will always stand up and fight for hardworking Coloradans."

A quick review of twitter shows a number of twitter users tweeting that precise message.

In another suggested tweet, supporters were asked to say the Stapleton-Sias ticket "provides a stark contrast to @Jared Polis' far left, extremist agenda."

That language is already being used by supporters on twitter.

Additional Resources: Fortney email:

All- we just broke the news that Walker is about to announce his LG pick, Lang Sias, in a few minutes at a press conference. We would appreciate any support you can provide on twitter and when you are talking to the media. Below are some suggested tweets to send out right now and a set of talking points with our topline messaging. As always, thank you for the support and let me know if you have any questions or you want me, Jerrod or Jay to write up an original post or tweet.

-Michael Fortney

Suggested Tweets:

Tweet 1:

.@WalkerStapleton made the right choice for LG. @LangSias is a decorated combat veteran who will always stand up and fight for hardworking Coloradans. #COpolitics #COGov

Tweet 2:

.@LangSias has a reputation as a bipartisan legislator who reaches across the aisle to get things done in the General Assembly. @WalkerStapleton made a phenomenal choice. This is a strong, well-qualified ticket. #COpolitics #COGov

Tweet 3:

The Stapleton-Sias ticket provides a stark contrast to @JaredPolis' far-left, extremist agenda. Coloradans know @WalkerStapleton & @LangSias will bring more economic opportunity to all of Colorado. #COpolitics #COGov

Tweet 4:

@WalkerStapleton & @LangSias are two Coloradans who know how to lead. This is a strong ticket that will defeat Jared Polis in the fall. #COpolitics #COGov

Talking Points

  • Lang Sias is a decorated combat veteran who will always stand up and fight for Coloradans.
  • Walker and Lang are the leaders Colorado needs -- Walker's executive experience, coupled with Lang's legislative experience and background leading troops in combat make this one of the strongest gubernatorial tickets in Colorado history. No one can question their unrivaled credentials to lead our state.
  • Lang has a reputation as a bipartisan leader and effective legislator, in the General Assembly who gets things done – over 85% of legislation he sponsored had bipartisan support. And Lang has had over 20 bills signed into law by Governor Hickenlooper.
  • Walker and Lang will do everything in their power to save Colorado from Jared Polis' disastrous policies. Polis' government run healthcare will limit access and could cost $25 billion in taxpayer dollars; he will kill our energy industry which will cost 230,000 jobs and over $30 billion in economic output; and his current bill in Congress to raise taxes on over 70% of Coloradans is just another example of why he is too extreme for Colorado.

CBS4 Investigator Brian Maass has been with the station more than 30 years uncovering waste, fraud and corruption. Follow him on Twitter @Briancbs4.

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