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Unofficial Mascot For Lakewood Audio Books Seller Is … A Turtle

LAKEWOOD, Colo. (CBS4) - Many bookstores have a resident cat, or maybe a dog.

At Talking Books Plus, a Lakewood store that specializes in audio books, a box turtle named Speedy can be found crawling among the racks.

Talking Books Plus
Talking Books Plus (credit: CBS)

Don Huck and his family have run Talking Books Plus on South Wadsworth Boulevard for 15 years. They found Speedy in rough shape in their backyard 10 years ago and nursed her back to health.

CBS4's Mark Taylor interviews Don Huck, who is holding Speedy (credit: CBS)

Now, wherever Huck goes, Speedy follows.

"Eventually she climbs on my shoes and unties them," Huck told CBS4 on Saturday.

Box turtles can live up to 40 years, so Huck hopes so her days of wandering through the store and greeting customers, are far from over.

(credit: CBS)

"She's got a lot of personality," Huck said. "She loves meeting new people."

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