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'Teeny, Tiny' Beetle Shuts Down Operating Room At St. Anthony's

LAKEWOOD, Colo. (CBS4) - A beetle infestation has forced Saint Anthony Hospital and Medical Center to close one of its operating rooms.

The new Saint Anthony Hospital just opened its doors in Lakewood last month. Some surgeries have been rescheduled as the hospital deals with its bug problem.

"We have been monitoring each of our 10 surgical suites daily and working with an exterminator to ensure that we have corrected the situation," Saint Anthony spokesperson Cindy Rigot said in a statement. "We have isolated the source behind a wall in one of the operating rooms. The exterminator said this is very common in new construction."

Rigot said patient safety is the hospital's top priority. No patients were at risk and surgeries in other operating rooms will continue.

"The beetle is a common grain beetle that is very small and does not carry infection or disease," Rigot said.

The hospital expects reopen the room in a few days.

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