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Task Force To Explore Later Start Date For DPS

DENVER (CBS4)- A later start date could be in the future for Denver Public Schools to avoid August's hot temperatures.

The school district appointed a task force to consider the pros and cons of changing the school calendar. They will meet Thursday for the first time.

A final report is due to the DPS Board of Education in December. The task force will survey principals, students, parents and teachers.

"We had a very difficult time at the end of August with the record heat that we had here in Colorado. Our teachers were heroic and our students worked hard and clearly raised the question whether we should continue to start our school in the middle of August or whether we should push that start date back," said DPS Superintendent Tom Boasberg.

This comes after a concerned parent petitioned for a change when her son and many other students sat through severe heat in their classrooms at the start of the school year.

RELATED STORY: Debate Over School Start Date Heats Up

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