COVID In Colorado: Table Games Shut Down In Gilpin County As Restrictions Increase
BLACK HAWK, Colo. (CBS4) - Blackjack, poker are among table games being shut down at casinos in Black Hawk and Central City. Gilpin County recently announced it will move to Level Yellow: Concern on the COVID-19 color dial on Friday.
The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment sent a letter to Gilpin County on Tuesday stating while incidence rates are "aligned" with Level Orange, they will gradually implement restrictions found under Level Yellow.
"We are sad to say that starting this Friday at 8 a.m. we must close table games in order to comply with the Gilpin County guidance in connection with Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment on increased operational restrictions," The Lodge Casino stated online.
Capacity will be limited to 100 people and alcohol cannot be sold past 11 p.m.