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Students learn about traffic stops, violations from Denver police officers

Students learn about traffic stops, violations from Denver police officers
Students learn about traffic stops, violations from Denver police officers 01:56

Police make more than 20 million traffic stops for traffic violations over the course of the year. It's one of the most common interactions people have with the police. 


On Wednesday, the Denver Police Museum and Denver Police Department teamed up to educate students on what they should do if they are pulled over.

CEC Early College students learned about safety procedures and protocols involving traffic stops. It's a program that is in its second year and officials say it has been very effective in helping students out on the road.

Tanner Flowers tried on impairment goggles at the traffic safety program. It was Flowers' first time trying to function with these goggles on. 

"It made me feel dizzy and confused about where I was in my spatial area," said Flowers. 

Students also learned outside of the classroom. They were able to learn from the source themselves. Traffic police officers guided students through different traffic stop scenarios. 


Students were given the opportunity to learn what to do during a traffic stop and were also taught what police officers go through when initiating a traffic stop.

Kimberly Espinoza, a sophomore at CEC Early College says this program helps students like her understand the process of a traffic stop. 

"It just gives me an insight into what could happen in the future and what is expected of me," said Espinoza. 

Studies show just how crucial the first 30 seconds of a police encounter can be.

Denver Police Officer Kurt Barnes says a program like this helps build on community, "The most important thing is that we are establishing a strong rapport with our young drivers." 

"This shows it'll help our traffic safety in the future," added Barnes. 

It's an effort between the Denver Police Traffic Division and the Denver Police Museum to educate students on traffic stop protocols and prepare young drivers for when it's their turn to be out on the roads. 


"After looking at the surveys from last year the feedback has been extremely strong, they like the interaction with the police officers, they like the availability to see what police officers go through," said Barnes. 

Espinoza agrees this helps her understand, "It just gives me perspective of how they would do things and it makes me understand that they're not just doing this because they want to, but for the safety of others."  

The program is funded through a grant by the E-470 Foundation.

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