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Student Helps Lead Support Campaign For DPS Teachers Amid Potential Strike

DENVER (CBS4) - Although more than 90 percent of Denver Public School teachers voted to strike, it is on hold pending approval from the Colorado Department of Labor. Thursday, a handful of students showed up outside of the Denver Public School Board meeting to show support for their teachers.

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Jorge Hernandez (credit: CBS)

Among them was a teenager who had never protested before.

"Hello, I am a senior student at South High School," said Jorge Hernandez.

He heard why DPS teachers had voted to strike. He wanted to change the narrative amongst his classmates.

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"The question was never: What can students do to support the teachers?"

He posted on social media asking his friends to write letters to the school board; he would do the same.

"And that post, that's where so many students, my friends, started sharing and we got reaction that that was the right thing to do."

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The letter from the life-long DPS student is short, but passionate.

"Please help these teachers. I stand with these teachers. May God give you peace, love and sovereignty. May God bless you all."

He says he was heartbroken when he heard the plight of one DPS teacher who is a single mother.

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(credit: CBS)

"I remember speaking with another teacher outside of South High School and seeing how she has to go work at a hotel to make a living as well. Working at a hotel and having a Master's in Education and being a teacher, it's ridiculous and that's what frustrates me."

RELATED: After More Than A Year Of Negotiations, Denver Teachers Vote To Strike

He hasn't received a response yet, but he wants his teachers to know he supports them and says it's important and because great teachers lead to a great education.

Denver Classroom Teachers Association
(credit: CBS)

"Thank you. Thank you for your hard work, it's amazing what they do."

The teachers union has 10 days to respond to the Colorado Department of Labor, the Labor Department then has 14 days to decide if it will get involved.

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