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Students Cheer As Gov. Signs 'Safe To Tell' Bill Into Law

AURORA, Colo. (CBS4)- A bill designed to prevent bullying in Colorado schools was signed into law by Gov. John Hickenlooper as students at Hinkley High School in Aurora cheered.

Safe To Tell is an anonymous tip line where students can report threats made to others or themselves.

The bill provides state funding needed to keep the hotline running.

"Instead of having to come forward face to face it's more nerve wracking but to know that it's anonymous you feel safer knowing that not everyone around you will know about it, but just one person," said 10th Grader Rodyann Hartman.

Safe To Tell was created after the shooting at Columbine High School. Since then the program has successfully prevented more than 200 planned school attacks and more than 1,000 suicides. The program has also intervened in more than 2,000 bullying incidents.

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