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State Says Boat Checks Protecting Colorado Waters

DENVER (AP) - State parks officials say a rigorous inspection program aimed at keeping non-native mussels out of Colorado waters is paying off.

Inspectors at Colorado Parks and Wildlife say they've checked more than 50,000 boats so far this season and have found only two with mussels attached. Both boats were from other states.

Last year, more than 200,000 boats were inspected at the 29 state parks with reservoir and lakes.

The mussels can clog water treatment plants and damage ecosystems. They're not native to this country and don't have natural enemies to keep them in check.

The mussels were first found in Colorado in 2007 in Lake Pueblo. Boaters are urged to clean all mud, plants and any creatures from the hull, drain all water and dry the boat .

(Copyright 2011 by The Associated Press.  All Rights Reserved.)

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