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Stapleton Airport Control Tower Might Get New Lease On Life

DENVER (CBS4) - Tuesday marks the 17th anniversary of the opening of Denver International Airport, and the closing of the old Stapleton Airport. Much of the land that the old airport sat on has been sold and developed, but the tower remains.

The air traffic control tower is currently owned by DIA, as well as the small parcel of land it sits on. With the Stapleton community quickly growing around it, some people living there, as well as a member of the Denver City Council, have started to talk about what should be done with it.

Council member Chris Herndon lives in Stapleton. He's generated community discussions and helped to form the Stapleton Tower Committee. There's been talk of turning it into anything from a restaurant to a museum, a recreation center, or an animal shelter.

Although the structure is sound, it would take a couple of million dollars to bring it up to code and refurbish the building.

"So I reached out to the developer, Forest City, and I asked, 'What's going to happen with it,' " Herndon said. "There weren't any concrete plans. I just thought it would be a really good idea to bring community leaders together and say, 'What would you like to see done with the Stapleton tower?' And it's just evolved into people who live outside of this community, people who are really passionate about it, and would love to see something very positive happen with it."

There have already been three community meetings to talk about ideas for the tower. The hope is to have a plan in place by the end of this year.

"I definitely think we should take all ideas into consideration," Herndon said.

To get updates on the tower email JoNell Herndon of the Stapleton Tower Project at

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