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'Stand Up For Kids' Founder Accused Of Sexual Assault On Child

AURORA, Colo. (CBS4) - The CEO of a charity for at-risk children has been arrested on charges of sexually assaulting a child. Now police say there may be more victims and are looking for help to find them.

Sgt. Cassidee Carlson with Aurora police said officers arrested Richard Lee Koca Sr., 69, on Saturday for alleged acts with a child he had been supervising since 2009 in Aurora.

Neighbors were concerned after Koca's arrest.

"All these sweet little children just moved in next door. Makes me very concerned," said neighbor Debbie Simmons.

Koca was the founder, former CEO, and current member of the board of directors for Stand Up For Kids, a national nonprofit volunteer outreach organization for at-risk homeless youth.

"Due to Koca's extensive contact over the past several decades with persons under the age of 18 through his work with several nonprofit organizations that primarily serve children, there are concerns that there may be additional victims," Carlson said in a statement.

"It scares me that in a safe neighborhood you can't feel safe. You can't let your kids go outside because you just have to be afraid," said neighbor Sherri Marshal.

Carlson said Koca served in the Navy and visited locations around the U.S. and the world.

While stationed in Panama, Koca worked with the Boy Scouts. He also volunteered at an orphanage in England.

Police say there's a possibility some victims could be from his time in the Navy.

"He's always put himself in a position to be around children. So, our fear is that there may be other victims," said Carlson.

Anyone with more information is asked to call Aurora police.

"Kind of tired of sexual predators getting away with this and being released quickly. They should be locked up forever," said Marshal.

In a statement, Stand Up For Kids responded, "...has not been contacted by law enforcement regarding Mr. Koca, however, if contacted, the organization intends to cooperate fully.

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