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Time At Home For Displaced Seniors In Littleton Short-Lived

By Andrea Flores

LITTLETON, Colo. (CBS4) - Dozens of displaced seniors were allowed back into a Littleton senior apartment complex after a fire forced them out last week, but it wasn't for good.

(credit: Littleton Police)

Their time at the Southview Place Towers was short lived Wednesday after many senior residents were only given one hour to grab a few of their belongings before relocating from the Red Cross shelter at Littleton United Methodist to The Life Center.

Army veteran Mary Aultman's military training came in good use Wednesday afternoon, helping her draft a plan to make the most of her time inside the apartment complex that's been off limits since a fire broke out in her building one week ago.

Mary Aultman's map (credit: CBS)

Her daughter, Audrey, used the plan to make sure Army records, a marriage certificate, and her mother's University of Alabama memorabilia made it out first.

Residents were told to take only what is needed for the next two weeks.

CBS4's Andrea Flores interviews Audrey and Mary Aultman (credit: CBS)

Seniors, like Becky Kimminau, used their time to grab the essentials.

"I got toiletries, clothing, shoes; things for my cat," said Kimminau.

The Red Cross says carpeted floors and better accessibility at the center should make for a more accommodating "home away from home."

(credit: CBS)

While the residents don't know when they'll be allowed back home, Aultman says they're a community that can handle anything that comes their way.

"They're used to doing things for themselves, they're strong, they'll pull through this," Aultman said.

The cause of the fire is still under investigation.

Seniors displaced by the fire are being asked to contact the Red Cross for any of their daily needs.

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