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Some Say Money Isn't Enough To Repair Homes After Sewage Backup

COMMERCE CITY, Colo. (CBS4) - Days after a sewer system backed up in dozens of homes the district has come up with a plan to help pay for the damage.

Money will be handed out on a case-by-case basis.

It all began Tuesday when a water main broke near 80th and Quince in Commerce City. Many homeowners say the money won't cover all the damage.

Maria Pineda's basement has been completely destroyed.

"I'm left with nothing, I live downstairs. I don't have a bed, my son doesn't have a bed," Pineda said.

Her home was one of 30 that were flooded with sewage.

"I have two grandkids and they're four and seven year olds and my son is nine," homeowner Irene Estrada said. "My major concern is the health issues. I'm just devastated and upset."

The county's insurance called the burst and act of God and wouldn't cover the costs so the county ruled Friday night to offer each resident up to $12,000 to cover the damages. But most residents had tens of thousands of dollars in damages.

"I don't work right now. I'm a full-time student. I have to worry about paying my bills myself," Pineda said.

South Adams County Water District Manager Jim Jones said since the county's insurance wouldn't cover the cost they had to use taxpayer dollars and $12,000 per home is all they could afford.

"I don't like seeing our customers the position they are in, I feel bad for them and we're trying to do as much as we possibly can," an emotional Jones said.

He said if they could do more they would.

The $12,000 included cleaning costs.

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