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Smoke Visible From Fire Burning Near Craig

CRAIG, Colo. (CBS4)- Smoke has been visible from the Sawmill Fire burning on Bureau of Land Management land. The fire began on Tuesday about 24 miles west of Maybell.

Fire activity is moderate with smoldering and occasional torching. It's burned 76 acres.

Previous burn areas border parts of the Sawmill Fire. The Allred Fire that burned in 2009 borders the east side, while the 2010 Logging Fire border is nine miles to the west.

Smoke from the Sawmill Fire burning near Maybell (credit: Bureau of Land Management)

The fire is being managed, some areas are allowed to burn because much of the landscape in western Moffat County is fire dependent and low intensity fire is critical to many ecosystems, including ponderosa pine stands.

No structures are threatened. How the fire started is being investigated.

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