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Delays Possible At DIA As Pilots Rely On Instruments To Land In Thick Smoke

DENVER (CBS4) - The wildfire smoke overtaking Colorado will create a host of problems around the state on Saturday, from health concerns for people on the ground, to potential problems for pilots in the air. The visibility could be as low as a mile at times for most of the day.

The smoke will be thick enough to restrict visual flight rules at airports around the state, which means pilots will have to rely on their instruments for a safe landing. The ILS, or instrument landing system, has been the mainstay of safe landings for over 50 years, according to the FAA.

For smaller airports the smoke won't create too much of a problem, but for the volume of flights at DIA, the ILS approach means planes will have to have more spacing between them for safety, and that could lead to delays, especially for arriving flights.

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(credit: CBS)

Check ahead with your airline before heading to the airport and make sure you allow enough time to get through all of the construction taking place inside and around DIA. The smoke could be an issue once again on Sunday as we anticipate very little change in the current weather pattern.

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