Safety Fair In Jefferson County A Huge Success
GOLDEN, Colo. (CBS4) - The whole family people learned how to protect themselves at the Jefferson County District Attorney Safety Fair.
"The shredding, the electronic recycling, prescription drug recycling, the 911 cellphone project is huge. So many people brought in phones to donate, as well as seniors coming in to pick up their free phones," Pam Russell with the Jefferson County District Attorney's office said. "We've got lines of people waiting to have their credit reports run. We've got bankers from First Bank to go over it with them. It's just streams of people having a wonderful time."
Identity theft was one of the major topics. There were a number of ways to protect your identity at the safety fair. Identity theft is one of the fastest growing crimes in the country. The fair offered tools to keep you from becoming a victim.
"If you can prevent people from becoming victims, then you've accomplished something," Jefferson County District Attorney Scott Storey said. "Plus it's good business."
One of the new items demonstrated at the safety fair was a blanket to put out grease fires on the stove. Just place it over the flames.
Even the children got involved by playing games with a focus on crime prevention. There was also a face painting booth.