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Romney Delivers Surprise Speech In Denver Before Leaving State

DENVER (CBS4) - Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney made a surprise appearance in Denver on Thursday morning, stopping by a Colorado conservative Political Action Committee meeting.

Four of Romney's five sons were with him, and they introduced their dad as standing in for the son who couldn't be there.

Romney told those gathered for the American Conservative Union meeting that November will be a close-fought battle, saying two very different visions were presented at the University of Denver on Wednesday night during the first presidential debate.

CPAC Colorado - Governor Mitt Romney with sons by CPAC on YouTube

"We have two very different courses for America: trickle-down government or prosperity through freedom. And trickle down government which the president proposes is one where he will raise taxes on small business, which will kill jobs. I instead want to keep taxes down on small business so we can create jobs," Romney said.

Romney made the appearance before traveling to Virginia. He'll attend a rally there in the evening.

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