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Residents on alert in Colorado while Aurora police search for masked person with gun caught on camera knocking on doors

Aurora police search for masked person who used handgun to knock on doors
Aurora police search for masked person who used handgun to knock on doors 01:23

When David Johnson got an alert on his phone that there was someone at his door on June 14, just before midnight, he suspected it might be trouble. But when he checked his cameras, he didn't see anyone, so he opened the door.

"When I first got out, the person had already left. So, I looked at the video and was pretty surprised to see a person all in black except for a white ski mask," said Johnson. "I knew something was pretty wrong."

Turns out he had just missed a scary situation.

Aurora police hope the public can help identify the masked suspect who knocked on doors with a handgun.  Aurora Police

"A few minutes later, when I looked closer, I could see a gun in his hand, and actually the last time he was knocking on the door, he was using the butt of the gun," said Johnson.

He says he wasn't the first victim that night. Just minutes before, one of his neighbors got a knock on his door and was met by a masked person, who had personal information about him. The neighbor shut the door and then called the police. Then the would-be crook hit Johnson's house.

Johnson said he learned all of this because he and his neighbor talked everything over to help police find the masked person.

"As citizens, I think we need to watch out for each other," said Johnson.

Johnson hopes police catch this person soon, and he hopes that in the future, they can do more to prevent something like this from happening to someone else.

"I actually support the Aurora police in them growing their force back, safely and well trained, so that they can be more responsive and be a deterrent for nonsense like this," said Johnson.

And to his neighbors in Aurora, he says, don't take your safety and security for granted.

Masked suspect caught on camera knocking on the door with a hand gun.  Aurora Police

"Please be careful and don't just open your door for anybody," said Johnson.

Police say video shows the masked person was driving a dark-colored SUV and had unique footwear and a lanyard or jewelry around their neck. If you have any information, call Crimestoppers at 720-913-7867. 

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