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Poudre Fire Authority sends out warning about wildfire danger in Northern Colorado

Red Flag Warning continues for third day in northern Colorado
Red Flag Warning continues for third day in northern Colorado 03:05

A Red Flag Warning will continue for a third day in Northern Colorado as dry conditions, warm weather and strong wind gusts greatly pose a risk of wildfires in the region. With wind gusts able to quickly push a fire out of control, firefighters are warning the public of the importance of being precautious.

Poudre Fire Authority predominantly serves Fort Collins and has a team of wildland firefighters ready for any potential threat.

"It is a warning not only to the public but to the fire service, too," said Kaitlyn Truelove, spokesperson for PFA.


With warm temperatures, low humidity and strong wind gusts, the threat of a rapidly spreading fire is heightened. Truelove said PFA's firefighters are all trained in wildland response.

"On a day like today, we are very alert to be ready, in case something were to happen with the wind or beyond the fire, too," Truelove said, referring to the threat of turned over semis and other emergencies caused by the conditions.

The department has eight brush trucks always at the ready to go, all of which can carry at minimum 300 gallons of water. A supplies closet in the Station 14 facility is also stocked with gear to help battle grass and other wildfires.

On Red Flag days prescribed burns, including those already approved in advance, are no longer permitted.

Campfires and other recreational fires that can pose a threat are also banned.

Even barbecuing can be dangerous in some situations. PFA said that is why it is important every family has a plan for an emergency. They should know where their fastest exit is and what items they need to take with them in a quickly unfolding emergency.


She said fires that are smaller than the size of the average office trash can often can be handled with an extinguisher. However, she said it is best to call 911 to report a fire as quickly as possible so firefighters can respond in a timely manner.

"We did see a fire in 2013 that occurred on a day like today from a homeowner who was doing some preventative maintenance, fixing some fence, that caused a spark and then burned over 1,300 acres," Truelove said of the dangers everyday tasks can pose on Red Flag days.

High fire danger and heavy mountain snow for Colorado 04:04
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