Recent rainfall helps Colorado's rivers, rafting economy
Recent rainfall is contributing to the health of Colorado's rivers and the state's rafting economy. According to the Colorado River Outfitters Association, the moisture is delivering a much-needed "return to normal" rafting season this summer.
The following is the rafting forecast on popular rivers from the Colorado River Outfitters Association:
Western Slope (Animas): Outfitters are expecting family runs to continue through August and perhaps into September, depending on rainfall.
Colorado River: The Upper Colorado near Kremmling is currently increasing in flows as water is released from the reservoirs due to requested flows by agricultural and other water users. The season will run through September. The river near Glenwood Springs and through Glenwood Canyon should run through September and into October. The Westwater section of the Colorado near Grand Junction will run into October.
Clear Creek: Outfitters on Clear Creek are planning to raft through then end of this month and are hopeful to run into early August. Rainfall could extend this date.
Poudre River: The Poudre River will continue to provide fun runs through Labor Day. Reservoir releases will help maintain flows.
Taylor River: The Taylor is running at family-friendly flows and these should maintain through the middle of August.
Arkansas River: The Arkansas' Controlled Flow program is anticipated to provide steady water for recreation well into August.