Puppy Stolen From Pet Store, Thief Caught On Surveillance
CENTENNIAL, Colo. (CBS4)- A woman steals a puppy from a pet store in Centennial and surveillance video captures the entire crime.
Employees at Perfect Pets, located at 6840 S. University Blvd. said the woman took the puppy about 6:20 p.m. on Wednesday, during a lull in business.
"My dad went to check the window, the Shiba Inu wasn't there anymore. Maybe the people who played with it left it in the play room. We were absolutely flustered for 10 minutes," said Perfect Pets employee Rose Larsen.
Larsen then went to check the security cameras and saw the woman in green who was carrying a large black bag. When she thought no one was looking she went to the back kennel, grabbed a puppy and stuffed it into the bag.
The bag was so heavy and obviously full that the woman had to put the strap over her shoulder on her way out of the store.
"If she can't pay for it, can she pay for the vet bills? Can she pay for food? Is she going to sell it to someone? You just don't know about the fate of the dog and that's even more worrisome," said Larsen.
The puppy was a tiny Shibu Inu that would have sold for $1,100 and might have found a forever home that day.
Police are searching for the woman and are hoping someone recognizes her.
"The most important thing is we want the dog back so she can find a safe home with a loving family instead of being stolen and God knows what is happening," said Larsen.
The store is offering a $300 reward for anyone who brings back the puppy.