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Pro-Pot Billboard's Message To NFL: You Are Driving Players To Drink

DENVER (CBS4) - A new billboard that has gone up next to Sports Authority Field at Mile High just before the Broncos season opener in Denver is getting lots of attention for its strong statement in opposition to the NFL's policy on marijuana.

The billboard is paid for by the Marijuana Policy Project, which argues that because marijuana is legal in Colorado and Washington the NFL shouldn't punish any player across the country for using it.

"Here in Colorado, where voters have said marijuana should be legal it was really the perfect venue to convey this message," said group spokesman Mason Tvert.

Tvert told CBS4 marijuana use has "nothing to do with their performance."

"The nfl is not responsible for policing marijuana," Tvert said.

The Marijuana Policy Project argues that strict league policies that carry the threat of suspensions and fines only drive players to use alcohol instead.

"Their current policy is a bad one, and if the NFL truly cares about the health and safety of their athletes, they would allow the players to make the safer choice and use marijuana instead of alcohol," Tvert said.

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Fans CBS4 spoke to say they agree the penalties are too high.

"I don't view marijuana as something that's in the same class as cocaine, hgh, steriods, something that's more of a performance enhancer," Don Vigil said.

"It's just not as dangerous, I believe, as alcohol," a female fan told CBS4.

Tvert said he hopes an online petition that is being circulated along with the billboard will convey the same message to the NFL.

"(The players) are human just like everyone else, so give them a break," the female fan said.

The billboard is scheduled to be in place until Sept. 22.

The NFL declined to comment about it.

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