'Pretty Woman: The Musical' thrills crowds at Buell Theater through mid-August
The Denver Center for the Performing Arts is continuing their triumphant return to live arts by welcoming the Broadway tour of "Pretty Woman: The Musical." Based off of the 1990s hit film, the musical promises to bring a modern twist on what's become a classic tale for many.
Olivia Valli and Adam Pascal have been touring for nearly a year now as the lead actors in the show. They recently sat down with CBS4's Dillon Thomas shortly after opening night at the Buell Theater.
"Last night's crowd was really lit," Pascal said.
"I really love this city because you can tell the audience is invested in the story," Valli said.
After a night adjusting to the altitude in Denver, Pascal and Valli said they were thrilled to see Colorado fully embrace their twist on the show.
For those who have seen Pretty Woman on film they know it's based on a tale of a rich man who falls in love with a woman who works in the sex industry. Eventually he helps rescue her from her ways and brings her into a new life of being loved and surrounded by riches.
While the musical is based along the same storyline, it doesn't have the exact same path.
"They should expect our twist. That was a movie set in the 80s. Now it is 2022 and times have changed," Valli said.
The cast says many in the audience feel they are seeing the story play out for the first time, no matter if they've seen the movie.
"We get so many people coming to the show who have never seen the movie," Pascal said.
Valli said she was happy to see the show redefine how the main characters interact with each other, and how the women in the show are empowered and treated with respect.
"You will definitely see more tones of that and how she saves herself," Valli said. "It reminds people that this is a modern time where we are in a world where everyone should treat each other with human decency, and this is a way you should do that."