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Photo Contest Offers Different Perspective On Denver

DENVER (CBS4) - Denver is a mix of old and new, and that is never more apparent than in the Y/OUR Denver Photo Contest. Sponsored by the Denver Architecture Foundation and the Colorado Photographic Arts Center, the contest inspires people to look at the city's design in a new light.

"We invite photographers of all skill levels to find and photograph their favorite areas of Denver," said Pauline Herrera, Executive Director of the Denver Architecture Foundation.

The Y/OUR Denver competition inspires everyone to look at the city through the lens of a camera.

"I personally think it's a wonderful  way for the public to tell the story of Denver architecture through their personally captured imagery," Herrera explained.

(credit Denver Architecture Foundation)

Greg Matheny personally captured  an image of the Denver Art Museum and the Central Library, that won him Best in Show in Y/OUR Denver.

"The combination of the angles and the flat sky, in particular, when you put those things together, it just became magic," Matheny explained.

Matheny called himself a "persistent" photographer. He's been working on the craft for more than 40 years.

Photographer Greg Methany (credit CBS)

"I love photography because it satisfies some innate muse," he told CBS4.

Matheny looks at the world with the eye of an artist, and he sees the city in a way that many of us may miss.

"Everything about this city is wonderful. I've been here since the early 70s and it has always been a place of wonder for me,"

Matheny won Best in Show for "Denver Megaliths." Onat Kaplan won Best Exterior for "Yours Alley."

(credit Denver Architecture Foundation)

Jesse Jorgensen won Best Interior for "Photo Sep 21, 10 48 56 AM"

(credit Denver Architecture Foundation)

Kevin Gilson won Best Detail for "Cash Register Building"

(credit Denver Architecture Foundation)

Y/OUR Denver runs during Doors Open Denver. Thirty finalist images are in an online exhibition on the DAF Website and the CPAC Website through Dec. 31.

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