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Oak Ridge Fire burning in southern Colorado grows to 1000+ acres, burns unchecked

Oak Ridge Fire burning in southern Colorado grows to 1000+ acres, burns unchecked
Oak Ridge Fire burning in southern Colorado grows to 1000+ acres, burns unchecked 00:37

The Oak Ridge Fire burning in southern Colorado has grown to 1,156 acres with 0% containment as of Thursday. Lightning sparked the wildfire in Pueblo County three miles northwest of Beulah. It was detected at 6 a.m. on June 22.

Smoke from the Oak Ridge Fire burning in Pueblo County.  US Forest Service

According to the Rocky Mountain Area Complex Incident Management Team 3, fire crews are working the eastern edge of the perimeter to keep the fire from advancing toward the town of Beulah.  

Homes along the Middle Creek Canyon Road are under a mandatory evacuation order and Middle Creek Road remained closed on Thursday. That area impacts about 20 families. 

The following areas are in a pre-evacuation status: Vine Mesa, Cascade Avenue, Pine Avenue, and Beulah Highlands Road. Those areas impact more than 20 other families. 

The fire is burning in brush and timber and rough terrain that's making it tough for ground crews to engage the fire directly.   

"We're looking for opportunities out in front of the fire to where we can attack that and make good progress on it," said Matt Holte with the U.S. Forest Service.  

The smoke outlook is moderate in the area as winds are expected to increase on Thursday afternoon. According to the Wildland Fire Air Quality Response Program, Canon City, Pueblo and Colorado City will have good air quality on Thursday with Colorado City seeing light haze in the evening hours. 

There are a total of 226 fire personnel battling the wildfire. 

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