NFL Refs Present Big Check To Estes Park School District
DENVER (CBS4) - A mountain community is getting a boost as it recovers from last month's devastating flooding.
The Estes Park School District received a big check from the NFL Referees Association before Sunday's Broncos game, and it was a referee from Colorado who started it all.
"I've never done anything something this large scale," Kent Payne said.
For Payne, seeing the aftermath of last month's flooding wasn't easy. The NFL referee started his career refereeing games in Estes Park and Lyons.
"Refereeing at every level has been a lot of fun, high school was a blast to do," Payne said.
Now, with the help of the NFLRA, they're giving back.
"Estes Park was one of the places we came up with," Payne said.
NFLRA Executive Director Jim Quirk says the check for $10,000 will help repair the district's track and athletic facilities.
"The fact that we're able to affect and help the people in that district, I talked to the athletic director up there and they were pretty much decimated," Quirk said. "They were very appreciative of receiving the monies."
It's not the first time the NFLRA has done donated money. In June they gave money to schools in Moore, Okla. after the state's deadly tornado.
"We're just very happy to be able to do it and I would like to compliment the Broncos, Patrick Smyth, the (public relations) people who were extremely helpful," Quirk said. "I was trying to arrange this from my home in New Jersey, which is pretty difficult. But they were so cooperative, they made it much easier."
Although he's happy to help any way he can, for Payne, who spearheaded the idea of helping out flood victims, he says getting children access to athletics and a return to normalcy is his goal.
"It's a privilege to be part of the NFL, and when you can use that privilege to help people, you really want to do that and this was a great opportunity," Payne said.
The estimated cost to fix all athletic facilities in Estes Park is about $50,000. The town hopes to have all repairs completed by March.
Colorado Floods: How To Help
The recent floods are impacting families and communities throughout Colorado, so CBS4 has compiled a list of ways you can support the local communities impacted by the floods.
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