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NFL May Fly Horse Thunder To NY For Super Bowl

DENVER (CBS4) - The Broncos are now making plans to travel to the East Coast to prepare for Super Bowl XLVIII, but NFL officials are also considering a plan to fly out a purebred Arabian gelding from Denver, too.

The Broncos mascot Thunder acts as the team's mascot. As it states on his bio on, he "displays his impressive canter from one end zone to the other" whenever the Broncos score at Sports Authority Field at Mile High.

The last time the Broncos were in the Super Bowl Thunder was brought to the big game and was allowed to go on the field, but only in a restricted part of an endzone. Time will tell whether Thunder is granted more "cantering-room" if he's flown out this time around.

Thunder was out at Civic Center Park on Friday from the Broncos rally there, and Gov. John Hickenlooper gave the horse a big kiss as CBS4's cameras were rolling.

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