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Mountain Lion Management Plan Sets Goals For Western Colorado

(AP) - A draft plan by Colorado Parks and Wildlife would maintain stable populations of mountain lions in western Colorado. The Daily Sentinel reported the plan would establish a special management area to deal with conflicts between lions and humans.

The agency proposes to manage lions on a regional rather than a local level to reflect factors such as lion mobility. The plan's goal is to establish relatively stable populations in both the northern and southern regions of the state's West Slope.

gj mountain lion (Ken Redding Photography) copy
A mountain lion in a tree in the backyard of a home in Grand Junction (credit: Ken Redding)

The updated goal replaces objectives for 13 localized areas, including two areas in which lion numbers are suppressed.

(© Copyright 2020 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.)

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