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Morfitt Blog: 'Seeing Lots Of Improvement'

By Karen Morfitt

Almost a month of training behind me, and wow did that go fast!

Seeing lots of improvement and running a little further every week even the early mornings are becoming more routine.

Outside of our long runs on Saturdays and some speed work during the week most of my running is without the group. Motivating my self and fitting miles into a busy schedule have been the biggest challenges on those days.

With out of town guests and vacations getting in those weekly miles gets a little more tricky. Happy to say I made it work! It doesn't hurt that my husband is a big runner so most of of our trips include a race. This time it was a 50 miler (clearly he's a more advanced runner) and he somehow convinced me to pace him for the last 10 miles. Although, hesitant I signed up and...finished it!

Of course it was done at a very slow pace & I'd like to blame that on him (having just run 40 miles) but the truth is he was doing a heck of a lot better after 50 then me after 10!

Either way it was big step and has helped boost my confidence and given me a more positive outlook on the Rock & Roll Denver Half Marathon.

Karen Morfitt Joined the CBS4 team as a reporter in 2013. She covers a variety of stories in and around metro Denver. Connect with her on Facebook, follow her on Twitter @karenmorfitt or email her tips.

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