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Moody: Movie-Goers Just Might Walk Out Of 'Lawless'

DENVER (CBS4) - It's sort of a 1930s gangster movie, but not really. It's also sort of a moonshiner's movie, but not really. So just what is the new movie "Lawless" all about?

CBS4 Critic at Large Greg Moody reviewed the new movie.

"We're just about at the Labor Day Weekend -- the unofficial end of summer. So does 'Lawless' mark the end of the summer movie season that began with such promise? Or is it indicative of what we've got coming now through Christmas? Either way, it's depressing," Moody said.

Watch Moody's review in the video below:

- Greg Moody is CBS4's Critic At Large. His reports on CBS4 News are featured on the Entertainment section.

- Also, don't miss Moody's entertaining bio, his Top Spots in Denver lists, and his frequently updated Moody's Picks page.

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